PPP Project Report Released


Since the passage of the CARES Act, we have all been inundated with information regarding the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).  From the initial launch of the program to the almost immediate depletion of funds to the uncertainty around the rules for forgiveness, the experience has had more twists and turns than a mystery novel for nonprofit leaders.

“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of your help and support. I would be so lost without you. I have received NO help from anyone else. I really can’t thank you enough for your kindness.”


Over the past month, Nielsen Training & Consulting has been proud to partner with Civitas Strategies to make the process more equitable and the results more successful for early learning providers in the State of New Jersey.  With support from the Maher Foundation, the Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation, Nicholson Foundation, and the Burke Foundation, we designed and deployed a comprehensive Technical Assistance program to assist early learning providers and organizations. Technical Assistance was provided in four ways — webinars, an online intake questionnaire, live, personalized 1:1 consultation, and application support.  The results for these organizations have been significant, including:

  • 92 organizations completed the Technical Assistance program

  • $3.33 million stimulus potential for all completed TA Cases as of May 15, 2020

  • $2.23 million stimulus generated by secured loans as of May 15 2020           

“I feel like you are part of the family here with us.”

We have learned a great deal from this project, and have prepared a comprehensive report on the project with lessons learned, additional PPP information, and recommendations for the future.  I invite you to review the report and if helpful, share with your stakeholders and communities.  A copy of the report is linked below.

“I can’t believe you keep answering the phone.  You’re the only person who gets my frustration.”

We are also now entering a pivotal next phase for those who have secured loans under the PPP -- forgiveness.  In case you missed it, the Treasury Department has recently released the application for loan forgiveness under the PPP (linked below).  If you or your Board members have questions about the CARES Act, PPP, or would benefit from a webinar with information and recommendations for applying for loan forgiveness, please do not hesitate to reach out.  As always, Nielsen Training & Consulting is here to keep you informed, answer your questions, and partner with you.  Thank you for your leadership and immense sacrifices during this time of crisis.